‘Dear Inside AdWords…’ – referrals, local business ads, and finding a Professional

It’s been a while since we’ve answered some of your questions, so today, we’re happy to share a few more of our readers’ emails.

When will AdWords referrals be available in the US? – Anne R.

Dear Anne: Good news! We introduced AdWords referrals in the US a few of weeks ago. You can find out more about the program in our past post, or at the AdSense Help Center.

How do we add an image to a local business ad? – TMP

Dear TMP: Once you’re in the Ad Group that you want to edit, you can create a local business ad by clicking the Create Local Business Ad link. Follow the instructions until you get to screen shown below, where you will be given the option to upload a graphic to your ad. (I’ve outlined it in red in the example below for your reference.) Note: the dimensions of the image must be no larger than 125 X 125 pixels, and 20K or under in file size. More guidelines for the images in local business ads can be found here. You can also read more about local business ads in one of our prior posts.

How do I find Google Advertising Professionals in my area that I can interview to purchase services from them? – Marianne E.

Dear Marianne: The easiest way to locate Google Advertising Professionals in your area would be to search for them on Google Maps. Simply go to Google Maps, and type in “google advertising professionals” (we recommend using the the plural form, with quotes around the entire search term) and your city or zip code, and press the Search button. You should then be given a list of local business listings of Google Advertising Professionals in your area. When interviewing service providers, be sure to ask them if they have Qualified Individuals in their firm, or if the company itself has attained Qualified Company status. You can also read more about the Google Advertising Professionals program in our blog post on this subject.

That’s all for this edition. We love getting your questions, so be sure to send them our way. You never know—yours may be answered here next time!

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