'Access, Empower, Act' - Save the date for the 2013 Google Analytics Summit [#GASummit]

Our team is committed to keeping you at the bleeding edge of data. That's why we've continually made the content at our annual user summit more accessible. Last year we liveblogged the event on social and published a recap of key announcements. But we've heard you loud and clear: you want more. So we're excited to fulfill that request: this year, we're extending a virtual invitation to all our users.

Join us for a livestream of key sessions during our Google Analytics summit, on October 1 at 9:10a PT. Watch and hear about the future of marketing analytics from Google leadership: Paul Muret, Vice President of Google Analytics Engineering, and Babak Pahlavan, Director of Google Analytics Product Management. You will learn about new products we’re launching and hear three ways to take advantage of The Data Opportunity:
  1. Connecting the right data to the right people.
  2. Empowering every employee to analyze data 
  3. How acting on insights drives organizations forward
Set the event reminder today, and be sure and join the conversation on Google+ and Twitter using the hashtag #GASummit. 

Posted by Suzanne Mumford Google Analytics Marketing
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