Track online impact of Google TV Ads using Google Analytics

Google TV Ads can be an effective means of reaching new customers and driving incremental traffic to your website. Now, you can track the online impact of your TV campaigns through your Google Analytics account.

How it works
Using Google Analytics, you can now easily track website metrics, such as visits, conversion rates and revenue, alongside metrics from your TV Ads campaigns, including:
  • Impressions delivered
  • Number of ad plays
  • Cost
  • CPM paid
By viewing these metrics together, you can analyze the online impact of your TV campaigns, and use this information to optimize your campaigns as you learn.

The image below is a sample Analytics report illustrating the correlation between TV campaign impressions and website traffic. Keep in mind that website traffic may include traffic generated by other channels, not just TV ads.

(Click the image for a full-size version)

How to set it up
To access the TV Campaigns report, you'll need to link the AdWords account containing your TV Ads campaign to your Google Analytics account. Then, once you've run your first TV campaign, the report will automatically appear in your Google Analytics account. From your Analytics account, locate your TV Campaign metrics from the AdWords drop down under Traffic Sources on the left navigation bar.

If you're new to TV Ads and are interested in starting a campaign, just sign in to your AdWords account and look for the Other Campaign Types link at the bottom of the Campaign Summary page. From there, you can create an TV Ads campaign.

How to learn more
We'll be holding a webinar that covers how Google TV Ads can help drive more web traffic and increase your sales volume, turning TV viewers into your customers. This free webinar is on June 19th at 10am PDT, and we invite you to sign up here.

You can also read about how other advertisers are finding success with Google TV Ads, and check out our product demo to learn how to create a campaign step-by-step.

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