Spring cleaning for your AdWords account

Now that the flowers are blooming and allergies are raging, it's time to think about spring cleaning. No, we're not talking about organizing your CD collection or removing those pesky dust bunnies from under your bed - we're talking about cleaning up your AdWords account. Here are two quick tips to help your account get off to a fresh start this spring:

  • Organize your ads: Take a few minutes to look over all of your ads in each of your Ad Groups. Are there any ads that don't relate to the main theme of the keywords in an Ad Group? For example, let's say that you have an Ad Group with keywords that are all related to flowers. When reviewing your ads in this Ad Group, you notice that you have one ad about flowers and another one about gardening tools. Since your keywords aren't related to gardening tools, you should move this ad text to the appropriate Ad Group. You can save yourself time by using our Copy/Move Keywords and Ad Text Tool. Or, if you don't have an existing Ad Group that's related to gardening tools, you can create a new Ad Group filled with gardening tool keywords.

  • Label your Ad Groups: Now that you've organized your Ad Groups, you want to make sure that they're clearly labeled. After all, 'Flowers' and 'Gardening Tools' are much better names for Ad Groups than 'Ad Group #1' and 'Ad Group #2'. You can do this by checking the box next to the Ad Group that you'd like to edit, and then clicking on the 'Rename' button.
So, this weekend when you're taking a break from washing the windows and mopping the floors, take a minute to log in to AdWords and do a little account cleaning, too.

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