Some Feedback About Feedback...

I'm glad some of you are taking advantage of the "Got a question or comment about Inside AdWords? Send us an email" link over there on the right hand side of the page. We really do want to hear what you have to say about our new blog, and have enjoyed your comments. Keep 'em coming!

On a related subject, more than one person has taken the opportunity to use that link to provide feedback about the AdWords program itself. And while we're delighted to get your feedback about AdWords, a much better place to send that type of message is While the email sent to this address is not ordinarily replied to, it is certainly read every business day, and then forwarded to the most appropriate teams for review. It's actually a great way to make sure that your feedback will be heard by the right people within Google.

And for questions regarding particular AdWords accounts--well, of course the very best way to reach us is by using the "Contact Us" link from within the account itself.

P.S. to G.J.D., who wrote in with comments and questions about the AdWords API:

G.J.D., you'll probably be glad to hear that there is a blog devoted solely to the AdWords API, which is cleverly named the "AdWords API Blog". (We really have a knack for this naming thing, don't we?) You'll find it here.

In addition, there's an active forum for developers on Google Groups that focuses entirely on the AdWords API. (It also is rather stylishly named, as the "AdWords API Forum".) I'm sure the forum's 500+ members would be very happy to have you aboard.

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