View your earnings from Google-certified ad networks

Back in August 2009, we started to allow multiple Google-certified ad networks to compete against AdWords ads for the display ad space on your sites. We’re pleased to announce that you now have access to a new report that allows you to to view earnings by ad network.

As a refresher, the Google-certified ad networks feature is powered by DoubleClick Ad Exchange, and allows additional networks to compete in the auction to help you earn the most revenue possible. We’re confident that our vast AdWords inventory can provide the highest paying ad, but on the few occasions when it can’t, this feature simply allows more ads to be eligible to appear on your pages. This increased competition can potentially lead to higher earnings for you in the long run. Note that the auction process doesn’t change with these ad networks – our system will still always show the highest-paying ads, whether they’re from these Google-certified ad networks or the AdWords program.

With today’s new report, you’ll be able to see a breakdown of impressions, clicks, and earnings by Google-certified ad network. To view this report, log in to your account and visit the Performance reports tab. Click ‘Ad networks’ in the side navigation to see which networks served ads on your pages and how they performed. When comparing the performance of different ad networks, bear in mind that some metrics like RPM can be affected by networks targeting certain value impressions. Please note that there is no historical data prior to September 27, 2011.  
Google-certified ad networks bring you all the benefits of working with multiple networks but also with the safety, convenience and controls offered by AdSense. All third party networks are required to adhere to our standards for ad quality, speed and user privacy. In addition, you have the ability to block entire networks and control ad blocking via the Ad review center. Please do keep in mind that blocking specific networks can reduce the number of eligible ads to appear on your pages and may affect your overall earnings. Just like with AdWords ads, the more ads competing to appear on your pages, the more you can potentially earn. 

For more information about Google-certified ad networks, please visit our Help Center

Posted by Vincent Zanotti - AdSense Engineering

Introducing ad styles: an enhanced feature replacing color palettes

If you’ve been following our announcements in the last few weeks, you know we’ve been committed to bringing you features that you’ve been missing from the old AdSense interface. We’re now launching another long-requested feature: ad styles. Ad styles extend and enhance all of the functionality of our old color palettes. With ad styles, you can create customized combinations of colors, fonts, and corner styles and then easily apply these to the ad units and search engines across your site.

The best part about ad styles is that when you edit an ad style in the new interface, any ad units or search engines that are using this style will automatically be updated with your changes. So if you want to test a new color for the ad units on your site to see how it performs, you can create a new ad style and apply it to some of your ad units. If it performs well you can then apply it to all of the ad units in your account or revert back to your old colors just as easily. We think this feature will save you time by eliminating the need to re-assign the colors to each ad unit individually.

To create a new ad style, visit the ‘My ads’ tab. Click ‘Ad styles’ in the navigation bar and then the ‘+New’ button. You can then assign existing ad styles to your ad units during the ad unit creation process.

Posted by Jessica Hummel - AdSense Engineering

Two more reporting enhancements to help you deep dive into your AdSense earnings

In the last weeks, we’ve continued to iterate and improve the features in the Performance reports tab to give you as many tools as possible to understand your earnings. We are especially focusing on improvements that allow you to understand the cause of revenue fluctuations and where your earnings are coming from. With these goals in mind, we’re excited to announce two new developments for all publishers:

Event history

You can now see small flags on your reporting graphs, which note actions you’ve taken that might have influenced your earnings. For instance, if you blocked a category of ads from your pages last Tuesday and then created a new leaderboard the next day, you’ll see these two actions marked in your reports as well as details of the actions shown under the graph. Try the feature out by visiting the Performance reports tab, and clicking the ‘Events’ button just below the date range selector.

Tablets earnings included in the Platform report

Back in July we launched the Platforms report so you could analyze your earnings based on the type of device your visitors used to access your site. Now, you’ll be able to view your earnings from users on tablet devices. These earnings were previously included under high-end mobile earnings but given the market trends towards mobile and tablet devices, we wanted to provide you with additional granularity in this report. If you notice a significant amount of your earnings coming from mobile and/or tablet devices, we recommend optimizing your site and ads for mobile users.

Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about these new features!

Posted by Louis Collard - AdSense Engineering

Enhancing the new AdSense interface and retiring the older version

Over the past months, we’ve been working to improve the new AdSense interface and develop features that provide you with additional insights, control, and efficiency. Beyond the visual redesign, some of the new features only available in the new interface include multi-dimension reporting, reporting by country and platform, and search functionality in the Ad review center.

We’ve also heard your feedback on features from the older interface that you wanted to see in the newer version. In response, we’ve recently rolled out top-requested features like the ability to create scheduled reports and view channels on the Home tab.

While we’ve been investing in new features within the new interface, we’ve also been discussing our plans to move away from the older version. With that in mind, we’ll be retiring the old interface in mid-November. We’re continuing to focus on building new functionality into the new interface, and are excited about the additional improvements we plan to deliver.

If you haven’t already, we recommend switching to the new interface as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the updated layout and new features. To do so, sign in and click the 'Try the new AdSense interface' link in the upper corner of your account. We understand that this adjustment may take some time, so you'll still be able to toggle back and forth between the two interfaces during the coming weeks. To address a common question we’ve heard, switching to the new interface won’t affect your ad targeting or earnings in any way.

In the meantime, we encourage you to watch our video tutorials, which will guide you through completing common tasks in the new interface. You can also find detailed information in our Help Center for the new interface.

Thanks for all the feedback you’ve provided about the new interface -- please do keep the suggestions coming. We appreciate your patience during this transition, and look forward to continuing to improve the new AdSense interface to meet your needs.

Posted by Allan Livingston - AdSense Product Manager

Edit and schedule saved reports in the new interface

We’re happy to let you know about a recent improvement to the new AdSense interface, developed based on your requests for additional efficiency when managing your account -- you can now edit and schedule saved reports. This feature allows you to set up custom reports that will be automatically emailed to you on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

When viewing a report in your account, you can select the ‘Save report’ button above the graph and select your preferences. If you need to edit the report or change the scheduling settings, just click ‘Manage’ next to the Saved reports section in the navigation bar.

If you’ve been using saved reports in the old interface, please know that we’re working on a tool to help you easily import these saved reports into the new interface. We’ll be sure to let you know when it becomes available -- you’re welcome to re-create them in the meantime, but you may wish to wait for this tool.

We hope with the launch of these features, you’ll be able to better customize the way you analyze and receive information about your ad performance. Let us know what you think!

Posted by Simon Bowden and Louis Collard - AdSense Engineering

New home for URL channels under the My ads tab

If you’ve logged in today, you may have noticed that you can now create and manage your URL channels under the My ads tab. Since you already manage your custom channels from the My ads tab, we hope this move will provide a more consistent experience when managing all of your channels. At the same time, you can continue to view the performance of your various channels under the Performance reports tab.

As a reminder, URL channels allow you to track earnings for your domains, subdomains or pages. With this change it’s possible to create URL channels for AdSense for content, games, video, mobile AdSense for content, and AdSense for hosted content in the new interface. You can also remove or deactivate channels that you’re no longer using. Learn more about URL channels.

Keep in mind that with the recent launch of the Sites report, you can now see your domain and subdomain earnings without the need to set up URL channels. For tracking page level data or any other grouping of pages, however, please feel free to continue creating URL channels.

Posted by Bob Kemp - AdSense Engineering

View your top channels on the new interface homepage

You’ve been asking, and today we’re excited to announce that you can now view your top 10 performing custom and URL channels directly on the homepage of the new AdSense interface. We understand that many of you log in frequently throughout the day to check in on your stats, and this latest change will allow you to get a quick snapshot directly from the new interface. 

When you log in to the new AdSense interface, you’ll see your top channels by estimated earnings along with the percentage change for the selected time period. So if you’ve chosen to view the last 7 days, you’ll see your top performing channels for that time range along with the percentage change they experienced compared to the prior 7 day period. 

Thanks for all of the feedback you provided about bringing this report to the new interface -- you can check out this update by logging in to the new AdSense interface today. As a reminder, we’re gradually moving away from the older version and focusing on building improvements like these in the new interface. We encourage you to continue familiarizing yourself with the new interface, and as always, please feel free to leave us a comment with your thoughts and suggestions.

Posted by Dan Banfield - AdSense Engineering

View domain level performance data easily with the sites report

Are you using URL channels to track the performance of specific domains and subdomains where you’re showing ads? If so, we’re happy let you know that this information will now be tracked automatically in the new interface, within the sites report. (If you participated in the beta test for the new AdSense interface, you may have tried an initial version of the sites report. Thanks to your feedback, we’ve improved the report and are now making it available to all publishers.)

With the new sites report, you’ll no longer need to manually create a new URL channel to track each new domain or subdomain where you’ve placed your ads. This will help ensure that you have more detailed data about your ad performance from the get-go, without any additional effort required on your part.

Also, instead of creating URL channels, you can start using more of the 200 channels available in your account to create custom channels. These allow you to track and group your ad units on an even more granular level. (And don’t forget to turn those custom channels into ad placements, so advertisers can find and target them!)

The sites report tracks performance data for your content, mobile content, feeds and domains data. You’ll also be able to use the multi-dimension reporting feature to analyze your site's performance by ad type, targeting type, platform, and more. Please note that your sites report will only contain historical data beginning in late June 2011. In addition, there are a few limitations to this report for publishers with an extensive number of domains -- more information is available in our Help Center.

To get started with the new sites report, sign in to the new AdSense interface and navigate to the Performance reports tab. Choose Sites in the left navigation.

We hope this new report helps you view your data more quickly and easily -- feel free to share your comments and thoughts below.

Posted by Guillaume Ryder - AdSense Engineering

New insight into how users are accessing your site

Today, we’re excited to offer you a brand new report that shows you the platforms that your visitors are using to access your site. You’ll be able to see a breakdown of your earnings based on where your traffic is coming from, which you can use to then optimize your site and give users a better experience. For instance, if you find that you’re receiving a high percentage of traffic from mobile devices, we’d encourage you to create a mobile version of your website and monetize it with AdSense for mobile content.

With this feature, you’ll be able to see your performance data broken out into these categories:

- Desktop - all traffic coming from desktop users
- High-end mobile devices - includes smartphone devices
- Other mobile devices - includes low end and mid-range phones

Try out this new report by navigating to the new interface and clicking on the Performance reports tab. Choose Platforms in the left navigation.

And as a quick reminder, we’re gradually moving away from the older version as we continue to focus on reporting improvements like these. Do you have feedback about this new report, or are there other reports you’d like to see? Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments field below. If you haven’t yet tried the new interface, learn more about getting started today.

New Interface Wednesdays: Analyzing earnings by page views vs. ad requests

If you’ve spent time wandering around the Performance reports tab in the new interface, you've likely stumbled upon the Columns button. This button lets you customize your report to view earnings by page views, ad requests, matched requests and individual ad impressions. Selecting one of these options will change the columns and data shown in the table and graph. All other metrics, like CTR & RPM, will be based on the selection you choose.

We’ve received some questions about understanding these reports, especially when viewing by ‘page views’ and ‘ad requests’. To get an overall sense of your ad performance, view your earnings by ‘page views’. When looking at specific ad units or channels, however, we recommend using the ‘ad requests’ view. This will provide you the most accurate numbers for specific reports like ad units, ad sizes, custom channels, ad types, targeting types, and bid types.

Why is this? When analyzing the performance of individual ad units, the ‘page views’ view may show you inaccurate CTRs and RPMs if you have multiple ad units on one page. Each time a user views a page with multiple ad units, your reports will log only one page view and associate it with the first ad unit on the page. This means that when you’re viewing more granular reports by ‘page views’, the CTR and RPM of the second and third ad units on the page will be calculated based on “zero” page views, resulting in invalid data. By using the ‘ad request’ view when looking at specific ad units, you’ll ensure that you’re reviewing valid CTR and RPM values.

Try it now! Navigate to the new interface and click on the Performance reports tab, then select the ‘Columns’ button from any report to change the metrics you’re viewing.

Today marks the last post of our New Interface Wednesday series. We hope you're now more familiar with features available in the new interface, and how you can use them to better understand your ad performance and manage your account. You can review any of the previous posts in this series by visiting the New AdSense Interface label at any time, and learn more about specific features in our Help Center. As we continue to develop new features in the new interface, we'll be sure to post updates here on our blog, so please check back frequently!

Posted by Guillaume Ryder - AdSense Engineering