Where Are My Ads?

One of the questions most frequently asked of our support team goes something like this:
"Would you please tell me why I can't see my ad from the "Friendly Tapir" campaign? I think I've set everything up correctly, and I still have budget left for the day. So why is my ad not appearing?"

The most common reason that your ad may not appear every time you search for it is that your budget is lower than the recommended amount. For any given list of keywords within a campaign, the AdWords system will recommend a daily budget to you. You can use our recommendation as a guideline to set your daily budget so that your ads will appear for the greatest number of relevant searches possible. For example, if there are $100 a day worth of clicks out there for your ad and you set your budget to $75 a day, your ad will appear in about 3 out of 4 relevant searches. Since the AdWords system spreads out ad delivery throughout the day, your ad may not appear every single time you do a search with your keywords, even if you still have budget left for the day. If you want to edit your daily budget, here's how.

If your daily budget turns out not to be the issue after all, you may want to check out the Ads Diagnostic Tool. This tool provides you with a possible reason why your ad may not be appearing. It will also provide a recommendation to help you get your ad up and running, so be sure to give it a try. A little tidbit of Google trivia for those who are interested: when we were developing this tool, some people started calling it ‘WAASUP?’, which stood for ‘Why Aren’t Ads Showing UP?'

P.S. For those of you wondering what a Tapir is: when I was a kid begging for my first pet, it was the only one my dad would let me have. Let’s just say I didn’t want a pet for long…

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